Supportive Transport for People with HIV/Hep C

Opening times not provided


Positive Help’s team of volunteer drivers provide lifts to medical care and treatment, social care appointments and activities for people affected by HIV/ Hep C.

If you are affected by either HIV or Hep C, volunteers can help you get to these appointments, collect and deliver prescriptions to your home and we can also help with food shopping trips. We can also offer help with lifts to nursery, school and after school clubs for your children.

If you are HIV or Hep C positive, live in Edinburgh or the Lothians and are struggling to keep hospital appointments and maintain your drug regime please don’t hesitate to contact us by phoning us on 0131 225 4766 or by emailing us. We will endeavor to meet your request.

Services Offered

  • HIV and AIDS

Contact details


Last Updated: 10/01/2023
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